The Best Way to Make Money Online Using Free Methods of Generating Traffic

The Best Way to Make Money Online Using Free Methods of Generating Traffic

Article by Kevin Hauff

Looking for the Best Way to Make Money Online by Using Free Methods of Generating Traffic? If you are new in your online business and are nervous of paying too much. Then read this article in its entirety. We will take the time to examine the best way to make money online testing free traffic methods. If you were to start an online business then you know that there is no way to really start your business without coinage. Your money or someone else’s money. However the attractiveness of internet marketing is that everybody can begin making coin online; even if you do not have a lot of start up capitol. So what is the desirable way to make money online if you do not know much about marketing on the Internet and don’t have any funds? Affiliate marketing is the best way to attack for any beginner to make money online. You do not have to have your own site or product. There are many affiliate networks you can connect with to start pushing other people’s products.

So what is an affiliate marketing network you ask? It is a market place that has thousands of products in several different niches that you can feed on and literally begin making money today. However, when you start browsing this site you want to know that people are motivated to spend money on themselves. Otherwise you can spend a lot time putting effort into something that does not work. Clickbank is one of the most favored affiliate networks that people use. They keep track of all your sales for you and will even give you statistics of what people are willing to spend their money on. I recommend it for anyone just starting out. You can begin getting biweekly checks from them whenever your commissions reach ; so the pay out is notably low. If you have enough traffic to the sales page that the affiliate program has you can start today to get yours. This is the most important part of any business; whether it is an online business or offline business.

Without customers you can’t make money in any company.

However when you are first beginning I highly commend not spending too much money on your marketing efforts; as it can be a huge learning curve and not many people understand how to really use PPC (pay per click). Yes you will still need a little bit of start up bucks; however I can guarantee that in just 30 days you will begin getting commission checks from Clickbank. When you are ready, a proven system that you follow step by step shows how to be booming with an affiliate program online. The best way to begin making money is to follow someone who already has seniority in the area you are looking to have success in!

About the Author

If you want to get started bringing in some serious cash and are ready to learn from the Pro’s, you will want to check out my website today: <>

Making money and getting free merchandise online

Making money and getting free merchandise online

Article by Steven

Making money and getting free merchandise online

Since the recession people have been trying as hard as possible to save a buck. They somewhat stopped spending money on things that they can’t afford or things that they can live without. They have learned to adapt to the situation surround us in today’s economic down fall. More and more people are finding new ways to get the things that they want and spend little to no money for them. Can you imagine getting a Play station 3 or an Xbox 360 for free? How about getting those new pair of jeans or shirt for free? Get paid websites have become viral, and people are becoming able to afford the things that they want. They spend a few hours a day in their spare time using these sites to truly put money in their pockets instead of putting a hole in it. All of the sites that I have come across are 100% free and take little effort. All a person has to do is sign up, do what the site asks of them, get points, and then cash them out for either money or merchandise. It’s that simple. There are many different “Get Paid To” websites. Most of them request a user to do different things. After a required limit has been reached the user can then cash out or request an item. Although these websites may come off as scams they work and are 100% legit. Get paid to click is where you sign up on a webpage and they give you links to click on to direct traffic to the website. Doing surveys is where a user would take a survey that asks lots of questions, requires filling out information such as name, address, phone number, and email address. Surveys seem to offer the most amount of money. Some get paid to sites allow a user to blog a review and get paid for them. Uploading and download has recently become popular. A user uploads a file to the website and then he or she spreads the word about the file and every person who downloads the file does a survey, and then is able to download the file. The user gets paid once the survey is completed. Some websites will pay a user to promote a link and get paid for each person clicking on that link. Other websites pay a user to read emails and play video games. After a user has completed the required limit, they are able to cash their earnings out. Some companies will cut checks. While other companies offer a more direct way to pay their users by using PayPal. A few Get Paid To websites will have vendors and use gift cards to pay their users. They use vendors such as Best buy, and use gift cards such and EBay or Amazon. They even offer game cards like world of warcraft 60 day cards, Play Station 3, and Xbox 360 Live points. Some websites have even started fulfilling requests from any website that has a URL for the item desired. Most of the time requests are fulfilled in 3 to 5 business days and are received in less than two weeks. Using Get Paid To websites can be somewhat overwhelming. I understand that in most cases users look at the small picture and think that they can buy things buy completing offers and get what they want. They become discouraged by how many points or money they need. If you venture into this type of cash substitute I advice taking it slow. Only fill out a few offers a day. Set a maximum standard for yourself. Tell yourself “I’m only going to get .00 today on this site.” if you earn .00 a day you will have 5 at the end of the year. If you have joined multiple sites and set that standard for each site you can walk away with a lot of money. Most of these websites also offer extra incentives for getting people to sign up which puts more money in your pocket. There are numerous amounts of these websites, and they are all free to use. Some sites may ask different requirements to earn cash or points. Most sites pay out by check or PayPal and offer different ways to spend the points on the things that a person might want or need. Requests for items don’t take very long to be sent to a user. These websites are not scamming people, in fact they are helping people save money on more important things and allow people to earn what they want for free. Steven Esquibel,

About the Author

Hello, my name is Steven. I am 30 years old and inspired online marketing researcher.

Are There Free Ways to Make Extra Money at Home?

Are There Free Ways to Make Extra Money at Home?

Article by James Everhs

Many people want to make extra income at home without spending a fortune to do it. This article is for you! You will learn what is possible, and what is a very good way to do it.

It used to be that creating a business was a very expensive undertaking. For brick and mortar businesses, this still holds true. But with the advent of the internet, there are now essentially free ways to make extra money at home.

I say “essentially” because everything in life has at least a little bit of cost to it, even if only pennies. But it is possible to have extra income and earn extra money without a meaningful investment, just a slight one, and to do it from home.

Some of these ways are very labor intensive. That means you’ll spend a lot of hours doing some very menial tasks, but you will earn some income. This would be in things like envelope stuffing, or in filling out online forms. It could also be by completing online surveys. If you computed an hourly wage from these methods, however, you might find it surprisingly low.

A person could also set up a free webpage and create a virtual store. Several website hosting services exist which will let you set up a free page on anything you want. Most of the time they are going to want to do some advertising on it themselves. You might choose products from, for example, to sell on your web page. There are two problems with this approach. It is very competitive and the commission structure for the products you sell is not very high. This is a form of affiliate marketing.

For me, the best form of a silent online money making business is another type of affiliate marketing, article writing. This is a more specialized niche in which you can market very high commissioned items. Here is how it works!

You choose your product which has, let’s say, a commission rate of between 50-75% and you begin to market it. You write meaningful articles with good information about the product, or about the niche in which the product exists. You are seeking to create an interest in your product. Several online article sites exist which are looking for articles having good content. They will publish your articles online without charge, and allow you to link to your product. They win, with the informative article; you win, with the link to your product.

When the reader’s interest is stirred by what you have said, they go to the website where the product is and have an opportunity to make a purchase. The money automatically goes into your bank account.

You see, in this type of arrangement, you have no type of investment except your time. Your articles stay online indefinitely, creating the potential for long term sales right into your bank account.

How does a person learn how to do this? There are many websites which provide products that have the information you are looking for, some obviously better than others. You’re going to want to find the best product to teach you how to do this process. I provide more in-depth information on a really good one for learning free ways to make extra money at home at This concept is explained in greater detail there!

About the Author

Sales professional for over 30 years in retail and corporate, from Fuller Brush to big ticket items. Public speaker for 40+ years. Internet marketer.

Free Work from Home Employment Ideas and Opportunities

Free Work from Home Employment Ideas and Opportunities

Article by George U.

Free Work from Home Employment Ideas and Opportunities

If you are smart and creative there are many free work from home employment ideas and opportunities that you can choose from to start a career or build a business. The first idea that you can cash on is the prospect of writing, editing, or proof reading. Of course, for that you need to have talent. If you have written neat stories, crisp essays, or spiffy letters any time during your school days or career you can try writing. A degree in English literature or journalism automatically qualifies you for a career in writing from home. However, the beauty of writing from home is that it requires very little qualification. Only that you should be good at writing, and have basic grammar skills. Editing requires the same qualifications plus an eye for detail. You should be able to spot errors in grammar and punctuation. Additionally, you will be required to see that the content or article maintains a logical flow. Proofreading requires the knowledge of proofreader’s marks, which you can learn from you employer if you have the essential knowledge of grammar and spellings.

Many genuine multi-level marketing and regular marketing areas can provide free work from home employment ideas and opportunities. However, there are many hoaxes out there and you should be careful to avoid them. Any person with basic computer proficiency should think of doing data entry jobs that are legitimate. The employers themselves advertise legitimate data entry jobs. Computer software writing, web designing, and web hosting are some of the other free work from home employment ideas and opportunities.

Another exciting free work from home employment ideas and opportunities is the opportunity of earning decent amounts by providing staffing solutions to organizations. For this knowledge in various careers or human resource requirements in various fields is required. Along with providing staffing solution, the possibility of writing resumes is also a lucrative one. This can be done with a good writing skill and in depth knowledge of various careers.

Administrative and customer support services can be provided from home. Perhaps this is the best of all free work from home employment ideas and opportunities. All you have to do is what a clerk, a personal assistant, or a personal secretary in an office does for clerical jobs. Some research and writing skills may be required here. For customer support jobs, you should have good customer service skills. Your employer will expect you to be present near the desk for a fixed period to take calls or answer emails promptly. Tele marketing is another fabulous idea among the free work from home employment ideas and opportunities. This job entails calling prospects for making sales or setting sales visit appointments. A fixed number of calls would be expected by you to be made on a daily basis. The free work from home employment ideas and opportunities can come in the form of part time, full time, and freelance basis. The choice is yours. Pick the one that suits you best and start earning. To Find The Best Free Work From Home Employment

and Opportunities Click Here:

About the Author

George is a physicist by training and have a flair for making money online to complement my current job,I work for a small communication firm that specialize in Turnkey building and construction of Communication sites. George is also an Internet Marketer.To find the best work from home employment ideaclick here:

How to Make Money Free Online

How to Make Money Free Online

Article by Money Formula

The quest of the century and I will give you the secret it is impossible without an immense amount of work. Well to make any real money anyway. As of right now I have joined twenty plus paying survey websites five websites that pay me to read email and five websites to write articles. Now have I been paid? The answer is yes. I have made some money from these websites online, but I have found a better way. Now it is possible to make good money online and I have found out how. The sad part is I have worked harder making money this way than I have in any job or program online. I make money online by running a website that I built and marketed all for no money. I also run a forum and have a popular blog. That is right the way to make money online is to learn how to build a website and market it. When I say website this includes a blog since they are in most aspects the exact same thing. Now this may seem like a daunting task, but I think what you will find out it is one of the best experiences that I have had when I check my hit counter each mourning and see it go up and up. The best advice I could give would be decide on what you want to do run a website or a blog and then take appropriate steps from there. If you want to start a blog I enjoy Google’s Blogger. The way to make money with a blog is to gain consistent readers and either sale ad space or use Google Adsense. Now if you want to take the time and really earn some good money I would recommend learning how to build a website. There is a couple different ways to do this, you can either learn HTML or buy an editor such as Dreamweaver. My personal favorite is learning HTML, XHTML, JavaScript and then either Java or PHP. HTML is the most basic language you can use to build a website and it takes about a week of studying to be sufficient in writing a website. Now to earn with a website there are three different ways and all of them take a reasonable amount of traffic. The three ways to earn with a website is:

1. Affiliate Programs: Webmasters of websites will pay you to either get them traffic or sales.

2. Sale Advertising Space: This will not make you rich but can provide you with a consistent monthly income. Of course the only way someone will buy advertising space is if you are a highly ranked page in the search engines with good Page Rank.

3. Marketplace: This consists of having a good product that is in demand and saleing it on your website.

For More Infor On Making real Money online visit-

About the Author

An Online Marketer, good at what he does.

The Free and easy way to make money online

The Free and easy way to make money online

A version of me

Okay – so you want to make money online but:

You don’t want to pay for the privilege – you are broke so can’t afford to pay for it
You don’t want to create website
You don’t want to learn about SEO, PPC and all the other acronyms that you can’t be bothered to find out the meanings of
You just want a quick and dirty way of making money

So this is you ? Okay read on – I’m about to break down the simplest way of making money online. And it’s FREE. There are no additional click after this,or clicks taking you to an affiliate website etc – this is bare bones honesty gleaned from tons of money making ebooks, research, websites, ideas etc, minus the bullshit and egos.Remember the adage – “Nothing will work unless you do”? Well even if you are lazy – this method still entails a few clicks and then a few more clicks every day on an ongoing basis. You can sit back and do nothing, and you will still earn clicks and money, but the more your click the more money you will make.

Follow this step by step easy as pie guide and then mail me when the money starts rolling in. Here goes:

Sign up with Clickbank dot com  – choose an ID that is easy to remember then remember it.
The top 4 money making Click Bank niches are internet marketing, weight loss, dating (i.e. how to get the girl or guy) and  muscle building.
In Clickbank – click on ‘Marketplace’ and type in any one of the niches above in the “Find Products” box.
You will then see a list of products that fall in that niche for you to promote.
Next click on the drop down “Sort Results By” and select “Gravity”.
Choose all the ones you are interested in by clicking on “Promote”.
You will then get a pop-up screen that will give you the link to promote so that you can earn commissions on those items.
Copy and paste those links into a document and call it “My Money Makers”.
Now you are ready to start making money and these are the simplest, easiest, laziest ways of doing it. Are you ready – okay let’s go.

Promoting your niche products


Create a Twitter account applicable to your niche. E.g. Weight Loss. Use a memorable and enticing username.
Create an eye catching profile image with a sexy skinny girl or guy.
Put in your profile information something like “I help people to lose weight and keep it off”.
Use the affiliate link from the niche product you selected in Click Bank as your website link. To disguise it you can use Tiny dot CC to change it to something else.
The go to the twitter page of someone famous or someone that is influential in your niche. E.g. Oprah
Then follow their followers like crazy so that they will either follow you or click on your link to read more about you. This part is simple – you just click on their “Followers” link then click “Follow” next to their names. Click, Click, Click.
RT their tweets and add affiliate link into the retweet
Tweet an interesting fact related to your niche with a link to your affiliate link
Reply to people tweets with a relevant comment and a link to your affiliate link
Say something controversial or enticing with a link to your affiliate link. I think you get the picture, any interaction you have on Twitter – include your affiliate link related to that niche.

Yahoo Answers

Sign up using the same username for the niche as you did for Twitter (makes it easy to remember).
Then search for questions that fall into your niche, e.g. “Lose weight”.
Answer their questions and link to your affiliate link Make your answer as natural sounding as possible, don’t make it a sales spiel. E.g. “You know I had this same problem and it was tough, but I found something that seems to work. I only lost 2kgs in the first week, but I’m losing more each day, I weigh in this weekend, so excited I can’t wait !  I used this – try it you never know” – then include your link to how you lost it. And also add your link as a reference.
Answer as many questions as you can in your niche every day.
You can do this on any site where people ask for advice.


Sign up for a Facebook account using the same details as Twitter.
Simply search for  fan pages that have alot of followers. Famous people work well. Use the top 10 famous people for a list. (Google is your friend). Country names such as “India”, “Nigeria”, “Japan” etc work well too. Fan Pages work better as you don’t have to wait to be accepted. Friends is a waste of time don’t go there.
Simply “Like” the fan page which will allow you to post something on the page wall.
Post an enticing post with a link to the tiny url of your affiliate link.
Don’t do this on too many walls too many times or Facebook will block you. But do choose really famous walls with alot of wall activity – you can see this by the posts on the wall.


This one can get annoying if you have to post in forums and get tired of creating new profiles for each forum, however it works very well. However doing just that gets clicks to your affiliate links. Google forums that fall into the niche you chose, then join up and reply on posts. Make it relevant and natural. Then use your link in your signature and as part of your profile. Use an enticing photo for your profile always.
The other highly lucrative place to comment is on relevant blogs in your niche. Don’t copy and paste comments, type something new and natural.


Create a profile, same premise as above.
Comment on high traffic videos in that niche. Don’t put the link in your comment, but rather on your profile.


If you don’t mind spamming your friends, then create an email that entices them to go and visit the link, especially if it’s a niche topic that you know they would be interested in.
Encourage forwarding of the email to win a prize (preferably something unused that you own already else you’ll have to fork out some money for it).

This method is the by far the easiest and laziest one out there but it’s going to cost you . On, search for “Social Networking”. You will then get a listing of hundreds of people who will promote anything you want for .
Choose someone that has good feedback and lots of Facebook fans or friends or followers. Pay them via Paypal through the site and allow them to promote your link for you.Once the money starts coming in, you can pay over and over again with different product niches.
There you have it. If you don’t make money on any of these tips – then tweak it until you find the one that works for you. The only way to make this work is by doing it over and over again, every day. The more you do it, the more you will make.

So did I make money using these methods?

Yes. I am by no means a millionaire. I have hundreds of usernames (The Money Maker list helps me out on this one). This is with a full time job. Do I want to be a famous IM’er – no. I simply want to show others that it is possible to make money on the internet, and it’s not difficult.

I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. You can show me appreciation by clicking on all the Adsense ads on the page – there’s alot hey – I know – but it works – money comes in – or leave a comment. If you absolutely hate it or want to SEO bash me on the head – then by all means do so – but please be gentle. I need this brain to continue clicking and making money.



PS. I couldn’t resist adding this PS link only because it’s such a classic IM give away lol. If you are an obsessive clicker-on-IM-links – then by all means click here to be taken to a great program you can use if you simply MUST have a website and want to grow a list of loyal subscribers that you can sell to. I wrote a review for this one which should be posted soon.

Copyright – You may use this article – provided you link back to – else I will your reputation.

Athena-Push Button Money Princess

or my website here.