Writing Successful Sales Copy


Are you worried that your sales copy isn’t delivering as it should? You may need to revise your marketing materials if you want to land sales. The following tips will improve your sales copy, resulting in marketing materials that garner results: Sales copy needs to have a solid call to action. That means you need to make it clear exactly what you want people to do, and then make it easy for the person to do it. You’ll need to identify what you want to get from this sales copy (Do you want them to give you their contact information, buy a product, try out a sample, join for a trial period?) and then make it easy for them to take that action (sign up, make a call, click on the link, come in to the store, reserve a spot, etc.).

Explain why, not how. Many business owners make the mistake of wasting time explaining how a product is made when what matters is why the customer will benefit from buying. All of the focus should be on why the customer wants to try a service or purchase your product.

Seize the moment; incent the customer to act now. Offer incentives to “buy now” or “commit now” such as limited tme offers or discounts for acting immediately. Another tactic that works is to create the illusion that the product or service is limited in availablity or that the cost of putting off commitment will be unpleasantly high.

Good sales copy vividly describes the benefits of buying a service or product. Make it clear how your customer will benefit from buying or be miserable if he or she does not buy. It doesn’t matter which angle you take, but in either case you’ll want to compell the customer such that he will feel like he cannot put off the purchase for another moment because it will be unbearable to wait.

You’ll want to experiment with different sales pitches until you hit the perfect pitch–the one that delivers results!

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